Imagine being able to make decisions at key moments of the game not only based on your feelings, but also based on data. In real time, fast to use and from your tablet. Reliable and easy to understand.
We all know that our sport always has to compete for a better place in our country. Always behind soccer and basketball. We have not yet reached the point of digitalization of the teams and organizations, yet. So, we see that the quality of data in handball is quite poor. Finally, we do not have access to almost real-time information on team statistics, which would allow us to make decisions.
Our Goal
Help the coaches to make better decisions not only based on his feelings, but also on statistics and BIG DATA. Digitalising clubs and teams through the creation of databases of your players.
Empowering the different coaches with real time statistics.
For Whom is the App?
Clubs: Digitalizatin of all the teams from the club creating 1 database with all the player stats and players development.
Teams: Usefull to do Scouting from your opponents before play against them. – Helps in your decisions on the key handball game moments -Support you in the video analyze to prepare next games –
Federations: Prepare the nacional list and analyse all your players – Create your own database with your players and other national teams. Make scouting of the other national teams before event start the competition