New Year….New version! To enter this 2023 with a lot of power….we have the first update of this 2023 full of new features to help you with your handball statistics for any handball coach. Easier to analyse any handball game, now even easier with our shortcuts and new attractive PDF designs:

– PDF reports new design for every game to see the handball stats of your games

– PDF Individual player new design – consolidate any number of games of your players to see the advanced handball stats

– PDF Team report – consolidate any number of games of your team and/or your opponents

– Recording button: Now decide want do you want to start to record. One click start, player, video and the event it’s created. You don’t want to use it? Don’t worry, takes for you the starting and end of the event totally automatic.

– Shortcuts to make easier and faster to tag the events.

Please find hereafter the new updates: 

🤖**Link to Google Store:**

🍎**Link to IOS App:**

Requests? Suggestions? Feedback? 

[email protected]