On-demand video and stats analysis
Let our analysts do your job! We have more than 35 analyst, mainly located in Spain, Sweden and Portugal. They will analyse the games of your opponent. You just need to provide us the clips and we will do all the other job for you!

How it works?

We Schedule a call
Let’s see your needs, which team do you want to analyse, scout or how many games do you need for every opponent

Our Team will do the job!
Once we get all the information, we will analyse the games that we decided and we will prepare you everything in less than 24 hours.

We will notify you per email and phone! Your dashboard, reports and video clips are ready for your studies!
We will tag all the events.
Our team of professional analysts will tag for you all the events from a player and team. All our analyst are coches with RINK III from the European Handball Federation.
Post / Outs
Lost Balls
Technical Mistakes
Time Played / Player
Attack Faults
Defense Player
Offense Player
Failed Shots
Shooting Location
Execution Position
Player Score
Who Assisted
Offense/Defense Player
Game Phases
Offense System
Defense System
Player Score
Team Possessions
Player Possessions
1vs1 Won/Lost
Receive your Stats within 24 hours.
We’ll notify you as soon as your video clips, dashboard and reports are ready!